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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
8301 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale IA 50322

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Governing Board Minutes




 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Governing Board
October 13, 2009

Call to Order: Vice President Doug Pals called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. In attendance were Lorrie Graaf, Marv Rohn, Kevin Kelley, Mark Kramer, Jason Hoffman, Doug Pals, Pastor Ron Burcham, and Mark Pierson.

Laurie Peterson and Scott Snyder were not present.

Visitor Recognition: Laura Rath was present as recording secretary.

Consent Agenda:

The minutes from the September 2009 meeting were accepted by consensus.

After discussion, the financial report was also accepted by consensus.

The third quarter membership report (July-September 2009) was reviewed. Kevin Kelley motioned to approve, seconded by Lorrie Graaf. The third quarter membership report was unanimously approved.

Senior Pastor Report:

Pastor Burcham gave an update on the Spiritual Life Survey, which ends on Oct. 17. As of October 13, 267 people have taken the survey. A response rate of at least 35% is suggested for our size congregation. Pastor Robarge and his Ministry Action Team have done a great job promoting the survey and will continue to promote it until it ends.

      Pastor Burcham reported updates for the Director of Worship Position.

    Short Term – completed.

    Midterm – Steve Kowbel has been hired as the Interim Worship Leader. Gale Webb is Interim Choir Director.

    Long Term – A staffing committee will be assembled, comprised of members from the choir or orchestra, members of the praise teams, a Governing Board member, an Elder, Pastor Burcham, and Bill Jesse.

Kevin Kelley and Mark Kramer both expressed interest in being a member of the staffing committee. Mark Kramer will represent the Board in this committee.

Pastor Burcham reported briefly on the three initiatives:

    Ministry Initiatives – Executive Director Bill Jesse and Pastor Burcham met with each of the directors for an hour to review their goals for the fiscal year. Bill Jesse now meets with each director for 30 minutes each week to follow up.

    Team Work – The second quarterly meeting was held on Oct. 6 where the staff planned for March-May 2010. Sermon themes for the weekend services for Lent, Easter, and the six weeks after Easter were presented by Pastor Burcham.

Monitoring Affirmation:
Parish Paper: The Board did not discuss the October Parish Paper, as the topic “Women Pastors: Are Our Assumptions Accurate?” does not apply to the LCMS church.

ENDS – the Board will be reviewing the ENDS. Laurie Peterson, Kevin Kelley, and Mark Kramer will report their findings on Sections 1.1 and 1.2 at the November meeting. Scott Snyder will review Section 1.3.

Congregational Listening Post – Marv Rohn reported that he had two visitors ask about Gloria Dei’s stand on the ELCA decision regarding clergy and homosexuality.
Kevin Kelley reported hearing positive comments regarding the most recent Urban Plunge and Gloria Dei youth experiencing different environments.

Doug Pals asked if the Congregational Listening Post process needs to be standardized. The Board discussed consistency from year to year, what we do with feedback, and how to make sure this process continues in future governing boards.

Church Employee Consulting Policy –This committee will give an update at the November meeting.

Financial Control Policy – Doug Pals, Executive Director Bill Jesse, and Mark Pierson met on Oct. 6, and will meet again on Oct. 27.

Axiom: Lorrie Graaf led the Board in discussing chapters 9-10 of Axiom, by Bill Hybels. Scott Snyder will lead discussion on chapters 7-8 at the November meeting. Doug Pals will lead on chapters 11-12, and Marv Rohn on chapters 13-14.

Sabbatical Policy/Continuing Education – Mark Kramer has received a packet from the Synod, and is also gathering information from his uncle, who is a pastor at a large church in Kansas City, with a sabbatical program. Jason Hoffman is working with Mark and they will give the Board an update at the November meeting. Jason noted that the root of the word sabbatical is Sabbath.

Policy Manual – The Board will be working on updating the appendices at the end of the policy manual.


a. Future Meetings

i. October 25 - Discovery 201, 3 p.m.
            Attendees: Laurie Peterson, Lorrie Graaf, and Kevin Kelley
ii. November 10, 2009 Governing Board Meeting (Materials due Nov. 5)
iii. 2010 Willow Creek Leadership Summit dates: August 5-6   

After the Lord’s Prayer, the meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Laura Rath.


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